Otitis media is one of the most frequent causes for a
consultation with an Otolaryngologist. This disease is more common in young
children due to the more horizontal position of the Eustachian tube (tube that
connects the middle ear to the nose), compared to in an adult.
The function of the Eustachian tube is to drain the fluid
produced in the middle ear to the nasopharynx. If for any reason, it is
blocked, the liquid will tend to accumulate and may cause an infection.
What causes Otitis
There are several reasons why the Eustachian tube can clog,
such as allergies, infections of the upper airway, including sinus infections
(sinusitis), excess mucus and saliva produced during teething, adenoiditis
(growth of the adenoids), exposure to tobacco smoke and other irritants, gastro-esophageal
reflux disease and even feeding in a bad position (lying face up) while feeding
from a bottle.
There are certain risk factors increasing the likelihood of
a child suffering from acute otitis media such as attending day care, changes
in altitude, cold climate, exposure to smoke, not being breastfed, and frequent
upper airway infections.
What are the most
common symptoms of Otipis Media?
In a young child, the most common manifestations are
inconsolable crying, fever (greater than or equal to 38 ° C) or have trouble
with sleeping. In older children or adults otalgia (ear pain) may occur,
sensation of a clogged ear, malaise, hypoacusia (diminished hearing) of the
affected ear.
We can also find a variant to otitis media which is otitis
media with effusion, which is the sudden discharge of a yellowish or greenish
liquid, thick, sometimes with blood, accompanied by an improvement in ear pain
that can signify the rupture of the tympanic membrane.
How to diagnose a
patient with otitis media?
The diagnosis is made when the doctor examines the ear with
an otoscope or an ear endoscope. What is seen in these cases is known as
"doming" of the tympanic membrane which includes fluid or bubbles
behind the tympanic membrane, blood or puss and in some cases, a tympanic
membrane perforation may be seen.
What is the best
treatment for otitis media?
In Otitis Media, one of the most important things in
treatment is to relieve the pain. Depending on the origin of Otitis Media,
antibiotics and pain killers (paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc) may be given and
antihistamines and analgesics either orally or topically.
In general, all children under 6 months, with fever or
symptoms as described above (and especially if there is no improvement
thereof), should be seen by their physician to determine the best treatment for
The trend now is to try to determine if the cause of an ear
infection is due to a virus or a bacterial infection since antibiotics have no
effect on virus infections. For this reason, you should not prescribe
antibiotics for EVERY ear infection.
However, all children under 6 months which present with an
ear infection, should be given antibiotics.
If a treatment does not seem to be taking effect within the
first 48 to 72 hours of starting the medication, consult your doctor again as
he/she may have to change treatment or add other medications.
When to consider
surgical treatment?
If an infection does not go away with the usual medical
treatment, or if a child presents with repeated infections over a short period
of time, thoughts should be considered for inserting ventilation tubes.
This procedure consists of introducing into the tympanic
membrane, a very minute tube, which allows entry of air into the middle ear so
the liquid which accumulates in it can drain through the eustachian tube
These ventilation tubes usually fall out by themselves. If
this does not happen within 6 months after placement, they should be removed by
the physician.
If the cause of otitis media is adenoid hyperplasia (growth
of the adenoids) then, an adenoidectomy (surgical removal of the adenoids)
should be considered.
Usually ear infections are a minor medical problem, which
improves without any complications, however, it should be noted that during
infection, that children may have a minor and temporary hearing loss. This is
due to the presence of fluid in the middle ear.
What are some of the
complications of otitis media if not treated properly?
Sometimes, an otitis media, can worsen and may evolve into
serious infections such as mastoiditis (infection of bone found behind the ear)
or meningitis (infection of the coverings of the brain).
Other complications include a perforated tympanic membrane,
chronic and recurrent ear infections, adenoid hyperplasia and of the tonsils, otitis
media with effusion, formation of a cholesteatoma (secondary to a chronic
infection), delayed language development (as they do not understand the words
properly when there is fluid in their ears).
As always, the most important thing is prevention. If you
think your child may be having this disease, look for a consultation with your
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